Maintain A Good Relationship

In the life insurance business, we have to try  not to lose contact with a policyholder. Maintaining good relationship with a policyholder is part of service. Besides the policyholders, we also have to establish a good relationship with their family, relatives, friends, and best friends.

If we do not maintain a good relationship through contact and service, the policyholder and potential policyholder will quickly forget us. As a result, they buy their next insurance from another agent. That means we lose a commission. Even worse, we have a bad reputation in the eyes of the policyholder. In the end we become disappointed and frustrated after knowing that the policyholder bought insurance from another agent.

Try to call minimum once a month. For instance, you can just say to you policyholder, "Hello how are you, are you alright?" or "Is there anything I can do to help?" or "Is there a change of address?", "Telephone number change?", "Change of beneficiary?", "Maybe an addition to new member?", or even "It is time for you to increase your sum assured."

Whatever you say, you need to be sincere in wanting to help. Not just for the sake of saying something, but it has to be followed up into action. Another way is to send a greeting card when it is the client's birthday, anniversary, Christmas, New Year, or other important days.

I would like to remind you that if the prospect declines, that is a sign that your relationship is still shallow. Use the proper method to establish a close relationship. One way is to give attention. It could be that the rejection is because you have not given enough attention to the prospect. Giving attention means that you have the sincerity to understand the prospects needs and help fulfill the needs in the best way. I assume that one of the keys to my success is giving optimal and continuous service. The principle is, SELLING JUST STARTS AFTER A SALE. About 70% of my production is a repeat sale by the policyholders.

Not many of us realize that policyholders are potential market. Selling to a policyholder is easier than selling to a new person who does not know life insurance. Besides that, the cost to get close is cheaper compared the cost to build a relationship with a new potential client. The relationship that we establish has to be directed and developed to become a partnership.What you need to pay attention to when building a relationship is to try to fulfill the desire of the policyholder.

There are at least three:

• A suitable solution, which is a solution that overcomes his problems.
• A relationship that can be trusted.
• A service that can add value to a product.

The relationship that we establish has to be directed and developed to become a partnership. For that every agent is expected to create a strategy and tips to build a partnership relationship.

Positive Relationship
• The initiative to call the customer
• Making a recommendation
• Using honest language style language
• Using the telephone to communicate
• Giving a reward understanding
• Providing service
• Using "us" when overcoming a problem
• Going into the core of the problem
• Using clear concise words
• Talking about "our future together"
• Accepting responsibility
• Planning the future
Negative Relationship
• Only call back when telephoned
• Blaming the customer
• Using a complicated style
• Using a letter as a means of communicating
• Waiting for mistakes
• Providing service after request
• Using the word "you"
• Only responding to an issue
• Full of twists and turns
• Talking about "good things in the past"
• Throwing the ball
• Discussing the past

This is donadzku message to all of you who like to be success.
