Financial Independent

financial independent is the financial who free from dependence on the people who love you, free from dependence on the creditor, free of dependence on employment as an employee, free from financial temptation of ourselves and the last one free from the financial problems.
financial independent means free from dependence on the people who love you.

As social beings, we not only think about personal needs alone likewise in the financial, there is also a budget for child, parents, parents in-laws and other relatives. The wise steps you must know :

See the frequency and amount of your income.

To be a financial independent you have to focus on your fix income, manage and organize your expenses. If there are other income ex. bonuses, performance allowances. You can divide this income into 60:40%, sixty percent for saving and the other (40%) for shopping.

To be a financial independent you have to live a lifestyle that match your financial capabilities, do not have the expenditure larger than income.

To be a financial independent you have to start trying to invest but before investing you should recognize the needs, investment time period, investment objectives and your financial capacity. Understand the risk that would be obtained if investing.

And financial independent is also mean free of dependence on creditor
Have a financial plan. Make a list of short and long term financial plan.


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