The bigger expenses and needs than your salary make you often run out the money before the end of the month. This kind of thing is often experienced by most people and certainly caused difficulties for them to manage their finance. This of course can happen if you are not good at managing your salary well every month, especially in this era of economic crisis.So, let's start trying smart way to manage your salary below, so that the tragedy runs out of money after the payday doesn't happen again.
The first step is learn to control yourself after receiving salary, such as : the desire to buy new clothes, want to eat in expensive restaurant, want to travel, etc. 

The second step, make a monthly budget. The most important thing you have to do in this session is to make personal financial plan. Start making a list of monthly expenses for needs into two parts, namely primary and tertiary needs. Primary needs, example: meals, costs for work, electricity bills, Water bill, home or car payment, etc while tertiary needs are shopping, traveling, hangout with friends, etc. but do not forget to provide emergency funds such as: illness or vehicle service fees.

The third step, pay all your monthly bill immediately at the beginning of the month after you receive salary. This is very important to note, so that it is not interfere with your daily needs and paying all the bills at the beginning of the month will certainly make you more freely to manage other monthly expenses.
The fourth step is set aside for saving. If all this time you are used to setting aside the remaining salary for savings, this time after paying all the monthly bills try to set aside a salary for savings before you use it for everyday purposes. This is useful to reduce expenses that are not too important.
The fifth step is use 31 envelope system to safe money. Write down the shopping date from 1 to 31 on each envelopes, so that you only use the money that has been set aside in each envelope according the date.
The seventh step and also the last step is save the remaining money from shopping envelope in a piggy bank or money box. Although it's a little better to be kept like the proverb say "little by little it becomes a hill.

Success in saving will certainly be greatly influenced by the discipline you have in managing your salary. Hope this 7 smart ways to manage your salary will useful for you.
