Smart Way to Run Financial Resolution 2019


In two months we will enter the new year 2019 and it is time we start making a resolution. Beside, career, health, and love, preparing financial resolution is also important to make your financial condition more positive in 2019, but sometimes, running a financial resolution is not an easy matter, it is need a commitment and strong will in order to successfully run it.  Therefore, smart way to run financial resolution 2019 in a good way must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timeline, as described below:

There is no point in making too wide in scope financial resolution. It is good to formulate the goals for the next one year and make specific plans that need to be done. It can be said, it will useless if you just write down a goal of your financial resolution without writing the goal in detail and specifically. for example: you just write down that you want to have savings. You should write specifically like "this year I want to have a savings Rp. 12.000.000,- in the bank. The savings are for my college saving, so, I have to save as much as Rp. 1.000.000 per month.   

Set ways and time frames to measure and assess your progress in achieving resolution of financial goals. It is better to make your financial plans are easy.

Set realistic and not too ambitious financial goals, so that you can be more confident in conquering the challenge to achieving it.

Set goals according to your financial priorities and conditions. Don't make plans that are roughly impossible to achieve.
In the next 12 months period, have a structure schedule. for example to reach the goal of the lecture at the beginning of 2019. You at least have a monthly schedule, such as starting saving in January, paying the first tuition in the 7th month, etc. It must be well scheduled and you must be discipline with the timeline / schedule you make.  

To compile a financial resolution you should look back at the situation and your financial progress in 2018 objectively. All your current assets and your financial obligations will become the benchmark for setting priorities of spending and saving in 2019, including your income, expenses, assets and debt you have in 2018. Good luck, don't forget to try smart way to run financial resolution 2019.
