Perhaps we should look into the mirror and learn to the that super women who can reach the success of career and also as a housewives. Then how does it work? As a career women we surely have to spend a lot of time outside home while as a housewives we also have not a little work to do at home, especially a housewives who still have a small child???
Actually not all the business must have activity outside homes, today we found many success business was doing from the homes, so why don't we start the business from our homes? Just start it from your hobbies, example : your hobby is writing.. and you have internet connection at home, why don't you start make a blog and write anything or everything you like to write, make it in professional way and get the money from your blog (see the detail in http://donadzku.blogspot.com/2009/01/internet-business.html) If your hobby is cook or make a cake then you can sell it by open an small shop at your home and you can also promotion your product in your blog, or many other hobbies that can generate money to you.
The advantage that we can get from doing business at home are :
- Reduce expenditures for the rent
- Does not required the transportation
- Flexible working hours (can work 24 hours)
- Can do all the household together with the business
- Still can keep an eye on your child anytime need it.
With doing business at home, the women potential and productivity will not be bother and it also automatically helps improve the household welfare and the harmony of household still maintained.
See also this site :
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