Success will not come to us from the heaven and success will never come to you without effort,hard work, and also pray. Everyone wants success, Success will change our life and happiness will also so easily to achieve. Then, how can we achieve that success?
Have self motivation is the first step toward success because the purpose of this life can only be achieved if you have strong motivation within yourself. But undeniably, it is quite difficult to build motivation in itself. In fact you may not know how to build of your self motivation, Whereas self motivation is the most valuable asset in achieving success.
Develop self motivation through self confidence
Self confidence can be obtained trough :
Broaden your knowledge, with extensive knowledge that we have, of course will increase our confidence in everyday social intercourse.
Looking clean and attractive
Look beautiful and attractive is not the main thing in the successes but pay attention to our appearance is also important to increase confidence in ourselves.
Besides self confidence, there are some other things that need to be considered in developing self motivation, such as :
Do not fear of failure, never be afraid of failure without even try because failure is the first step toward success. Learn from those failure because failure is the best teacher to success.
Avoid excuses, in building confidence, do not ever make excuses like :
I can not ....
I am too young ...
I am too old ...
My education has not adequately ...
I was not able to ...
Have a purpose in life, specify the purpose of your life and keep trying until your life's purpose achieved.
Consistent in the goal you want to accomplish, invest in yourself that you can and should, do not ever doubt the ability of yourself. Make a list of goals you must accomplish so that you are always motivated.
One of the dynamic of human is losing the motivation to do something and to return the motivation back is by see back what is the priority of our life. but once again it all can be done if we was able to recognize of ourselves.
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